
Top tips to supercharge your productivity

Jamie Ellis
December 10, 2021
Top tips to supercharge your productivity

Has your get-up-and-go got-up-and-gone? Has your mojo snuck out the back door?

Lack of energy and loss of focus can strike at any time. But help has arrived in the form of six awesome DeskLodge team members! They let us in on their secrets to what motivates them, and how they maintain their ‘oomph’ 24/7.

Emily O’Brien (DeskLodge Basingstoke)


Q1 Do you consider yourself to be generally productive? Why?
Yes and no. I try to be as organised as possible to stay productive, but like everyone else I have days when I find it a bit hard.

Q2 What’s your go-to tool or piece of software that helps you stay organised and productive, that you couldn’t live without?
Hubspot, because it allows me to schedule social media posts in advance and stay on top of my to do list.

Q3 When you’ve hit a wall or are having a slump, what helps you get your mojo and focus back?
Taking a little break and writing out a to-do list. I then prioritise the most important thing and set myself deadlines, so I have a goal to work towards.

Jamie Ellis (DeskLodge)



Q1 Do you consider yourself to be generally productive? Why?
Yes, I usually find getting stuff done and ticking off my to-dos makes me feel good each day, so I tend to be productive most of the time. Although a new little baby does make it challenging.

Q2 What’s your go-to tool or piece of software that helps you stay organised and productive, that you couldn’t live without?
Currently it's Todoist (make a link). I use this to log all my to-dos and quick-fire notes. I can then combine this with my Outlook calendar to keep me on the ball and spinning my plates.

Q3 When you’ve hit a wall or are having a slump, what helps you get your mojo and focus back?
It has to be taking a walk or going for a run, then a chilled glass of water and maybe a cheeky espresso.

Siobhan Anderson (DeskLodge Old Market Bristol)


Q1 Do you consider yourself to be generally productive? Why?
Yes, getting stuff done is my job. And when I have a clear plan I feel I'm good at sticking to it.

Q2 What’s your go-to tool or piece of software that helps you stay organised and productive, that you couldn’t live without?
Writing a list helps me process what needs to get done on any given day.  I love Outlook for reminders and Notion for getting ideas down and sharing them with the team.

Q3 When you’ve hit a wall or are having a slump, what helps you get your mojo and focus back?
I think it has to be fresh air. Going for a lunch walk, or the morning walk into work helps me have some downtime and recharge.

Gemma Edwards (DeskLodge House Bristol)


Q1 Do you consider yourself to be generally productive? Why?
I do. I love a good list and live by the mantra “Work smart not hard”.

Q2 What’s your go to tool or piece of software that helps you stay organised and productive, that you couldn’t live without?
Hubspot. I run the social media for DeskLodge Bristol, and it is an absolute gamechanger for scheduling content.

Q3 When you’ve hit a wall or are having a slump, what helps you get your mojo and focus back?
Chocolate! Or a change of scenery.

Tom Ball (DeskLodge)


Q1 Do you consider yourself to be generally productive? Why?
Ha - I think I have MASSIVE variance... Some days I'll get so much done, yet others I'll achieve almost nothing. The different zones in DeskLodge were inspired by trying to create my ideal place to be in different zones... The Hobbit Hole and Narnia for being in the zone with no distractions. Alice and the Shire for general productivity. Booths for escaping with a couple of people to finalise things etc...

Q2 What’s your go-to tool or piece of software that helps you stay organised and productive, that you couldn’t live without? which lets you combine structured and unstructured notes and is the most natural tool I've ever found - and the core of the DeskLodge "manual" for how we do everything. And Workflowy - which is just a bullet point tool - but lets you have bullets off bullets, which you can minimise / zoom in etc - so I can have several thousand to do items structured by location/project etc.

Q3 When you’ve hit a wall or are having a slump, what helps you get your mojo and focus back?
A walk, a shower or talking it through with someone! So why don't I actually do this more often?!

Justin Sanders (DeskLodge Bristol)


Q1 Do you consider yourself to be generally productive? Why?
I consider myself to be productive as I’m always on the go and making sure things are as they should be, and everybody is happy.

Q2 What’s your go-to tool or piece of software that helps you stay organised and productive, that you couldn’t live without?
I’m going to cheat here as they are two I couldn’t do without. One is Outlook, which is the bomb for upcoming 2 free day tours, meetings and events in DeskLodge. Slack is my other choice as the connectivity with the team is second to none with things like sending Gemz social media pics ad hoc, and making lists for kitchen restocks.

Q3 When you’ve hit a wall or are having a slump, what helps you get your mojo and focus back?Talking things through with the team and trying to find the reason for my loss of focus, which in turn reverses the slump and launches my mojo to a higher plain.

Pretty inspiring, eh. Some great tips, especially when it comes to top software hacks. So next time you reach a productivity dead-end, you know what to do now. You need to walk, run, drink espresso, talk, make lists, and eat chocolate. Oh yes, and have a shower. Simple!