
DeskLodger of the month - January 2023

Emily O'Brien
January 6, 2023
DeskLodger of the month - January 2023

This month we got all scientific when we caught up with Matti Wenham from Malvern Panalytical. They're a self-professed propellor head (or data scientist, to be more accurate) in infrared spectroscopy for smart agriculture and mineralogy. They tell us the best thing about their job, which corner of DeskLodge they love most and what they get up to when they aren't ‘scientisting’.

What do you/your company do?

Malvern Panalytical design and make scientific instruments and services to make the invisible visible: we’re big on small! I work as a data scientist in infrared spectroscopy for smart agriculture and mineralogy.

What is the best thing about your job?

As a total propellorhead, I get to solve puzzles and problems all day, and there’s always more depth to go into. Plus, I have a great bunch of colleagues and the DeskLodgers and staff to brighten my work days!

How do you stay motivated and productive?

Mix it up! I always try to have more than one engaging task on the go so I can swap and change if things are starting to get stale.

Where is your favourite place to work at DeskLodge?

We have office space here, so I’m usually tied to two monitors and my laptop there. If I need a change of scenery, there are loads of options, but it’s good to take reading material down to the ground floor sofas.

What's the most valuable piece of advice you've been given in work/business?

As with so many things in life, focus on what you can control, and don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

What do you do in your spare time?

I love to cycle, mostly on gravel or mountain bikes. Fun fact: I helped to found Singletrack mountain bike magazine in the early 2000s. In the winter, I enjoy skiing when I get the chance, and my upskilling challenge for 2023 is to learn to DJ.

Describe DeskLodge in 3 words or fewer.

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