
A Grand Summer Out with the DeskLodge Gromit Challenge

Jamie Ellis
September 11, 2018
A Grand Summer Out with the DeskLodge Gromit Challenge

We are so impressed with how many DeskLodgers joined in with the DeskLodge Gromit Challenge as part of the Grand Appeal for #gromitunleashed2 this summer!

We saw DeskLodger’s taking super cute selfies over this glorious summer with their kids, a quick stop selfie on bike rides home and a crafty snap on their lunch breaks, with the Gromit Unleashed 2 characters scattered around Bristol, either as part of a team or as lone competitors.


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DeskLodgers really got into the spirit of it with the main drive being to win money for their chosen charities! It was neck and neck at one point between DeskLodge resident teams from Quadrotech and Sparkol, who were battling for the prize of £250 towards their chosen charities or indeed to the Grand Appeal itself.

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The selfies kept rolling in and  the last week in August saw a group of DeskLodge coworkers collaborate to join the challenge. Team Freddie entered to win a donation towards the Freddie Dobson-Evans, Just giving page. Read more on Freddies story below..

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With six days to go Team Quadrotech threw down the gauntlet to Team Sparkol and Team Freddie, graciously admitting defeat and declaring “it’s been cracking!”. With DeskLodger Robin (from Somo) one of our lone entries who, alongside his family, took part in his own Gromit trail crusade adding “I may not have got all 67 sculptures in time but it’s been fun trying”.                  

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With the deadline for the DeskLodge Gromit Challenge looming the teams became desperate to get their final selfies with the trickiest sculpture on the trail, that nearly defeated them all, the dreaded Puxton Park Gromit!

All finalists managed to bag themselves a Puxton Park Gromit selfie in the end, including Team Sparkol, even if it did take them two trips (on one occasion Puxton Park was closed) to get the shot and another entry, (who will remain nameless) may even of jumped over the fence to get their penultimate Gromit selfie.   

Over the last few days the selfies kept coming in to our #instachallenge and just as we thought we may have two clear finalists, from nowhere came Tom Barrett (@tomhb0) from Blu Wirelesss, who in one post shared all 67 of his Gromit challenge selfies in the final hour, with a shocking 57 of the selfies taken in one long day! We were flabbergasted here at DeskLodge!

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“It was great to get out to parts of Bristol we wouldn’t normally see. It’s amazing seeing how different each sculpture is and how many talented creatives there are in the city”. Tom Barrett – Blu Wireless

In conclusion, we have been so impressed with the amount of effort that has been put into our first ever insta challenge by our amazing DeskLodgers, these colourful and fun selfies have made our summer!

So, who won?

We are pleased to announce that the team that managed to collect all of the Gromit Unleashed selfies first was……..drumroll please……….Team Sparkol!

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A massive congratulations to them for taking on the challenge with such enthusiasm, in what became a bit if a team bonding exercise with so many of the Sparkol office getting involved! Sparkol have won £250 towards their chosen charity the Grand Appeal which was a charity very close to their hearts.

“Thanks DeskLodge for organising the Gromit Challenge. The Sparkol team got behind it with enormous enthusiasm...we love to support a good cause and this was an incredibly fun way to raise some cash.

The guys really embraced the challenge and pulled together to successfully zap and ‘selfie’ every Gromit. It was a fabulous team building exercise which generated an awesome buzz and brought everyone together during what can be a quiet time in the office.

All that on top of £750 going to the Grand Appeal. What a result!” Zoe Taylor - Sparkol                

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DeskLodge were so impressed with the selfies and the extra two entries that managed to get all 67 sculptures that we decided to offer a joint second place prize to the last-minute entries from Tom Barrett and his chosen charity St Johns Hospice and to Team Freddie for the Freddie Dobinson-Evans Just Giving page. Both entries have won a £100 donation to their charities! Well done!

Thank you to everyone who joined in with the DeskLodge Gromit Challenge as part of the Gromit Unleashed 2 trail. It has just been amazing and we have loved every exciting minute of it!

It’s been a grand day out Gromit!