
The Great DeskLodge Bake Off

Jamie Ellis
October 14, 2019
The Great DeskLodge Bake Off

We had an amazing time at this year’s DeskLodge Bake Off raising money for the local charity Bristol Giving Day and showing off the skills of our DeskLodgers skills!


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We had a great selection of baked goodies at DeskLodge Old Market from a raspberry chocolate cake to chunks of yummy rocky road and even a few surprises including a handmade loaf of bread (honestly, they were fighting over getting a piece of this bread) and the extremely creative faux chicken nugget cakes that came complete in a KFC box!


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We involved all of our DeskLodgers whether they were bakers or tasters/judges (or both), paying £3 a pop to enter and taste, with scoring cards asking for the best appearance, taste and texture.

It was also great to have the Bristol Giving Day charity founders alongside Lord Lieutenant Peaches Golding, Metro Mayor Tim Bowles and High Sheriff Charles Wyld join us!




The Bristol Giving Day spreads generosity across Bristol through fun charity events fundraising to support local community causes from women’s refugee groups, organizing trips out of the city for inner city kids to supporting people with mental problems and isolated older people in our communities.                  



We are so proud to have supported Bristol Giving Day for the second year running and really enjoyed the day and eating ourselves into a cake food coma!

From all the amazing baked treats, we have to announce the winner……Drumroll please….


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The Great DeskLodge Bake Off winner of 2019 is James Brown from Prodtex who won with his amazing Eight-strand plait loaf! A brilliant alternative from all those cakes!

Congratulations to James and a big well done to Luke Smith from Problem Free who came in second place with his Raspberry and white chocolate cake, which was truly scrumptious!



We would also like to announce that we managed to take an amazing £140 at DeskLodge Old Market and DeskLodge House, who joined in the fun last minute with three entries, still managed to raise £50!

Well done to everyone who took part and thanks again to all the DeskLodgers that got involved in these years Bake Off!


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