
How to pick the right workspace for your team

Jamie Ellis
September 10, 2021
How to pick the right workspace for your team

There’s so much more to choosing a workspace for your team than whether it has an attractive design, or an endless supply of coffee. (We have both, by the way.)

It’s all about the environment, and what works best for your team’s unique and diverse needs. You see, every team is different. There are big teams, and small teams. Teams that need quiet, teams that don’t mind a bit of hustle and bustle. Teams who venture outside to explore the area, teams who prefer to keep their heads down.

So before you choose a workspace for your team, why not pick their brains about what would work best for them? Because that will keep your peeps happy and productive.


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1 - Keep things local and handy

The location of the workspace is vital. You may think you’ve found the perfect workspace, until you realise you need to take three buses and a taxi to get there. You want somewhere that’s a stone’s throw away from the train or bus station, with no schlepping required. That’s a no-brainer.

Your team will also want to get out for some fresh air to clear their heads a couple of times a day. A workspace that is close to local shops, gyms or somewhere they can pop out for a panini or a flat white is a must-have. Think about after work too. There’s nothing better than some ‘unravelling’ time with friends and colleagues at a restaurant, bar or pub.


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2 - A warm welcome every time

Doesn’t it feel fantastic working somewhere where you instantly feel like you belong? Make sure that the workspace you choose is full of helpful, kind and utterly lovely people who are just like you. Take note of that first impression when you enter. What are the vibes like? Do the people working there look happy? Is there laughter? A good sign to look for is if there are people of every age, and every walk of life.

Also look out for additional organised bits and bobs, like breakfast clubs or social events. At DeskLodge we even have a yoga session once a week for example (to resume in the near future!). These little extras build a strong sense of community, as well as a creatively inspiring atmosphere. Remember, it’s not really work if it’s fun.


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3 - Workzones that work for you

Whether you need to squirrel yourself away to get that pitch out the door, or hold a buzzing brainstorm in a meeting room, demand somewhere that offers a variety of different areas. Quiet areas, lively communal spaces, meeting rooms or a comfy sofa. The more the merrier. Your team will work better and enjoy the day more if they have a choice of environments that are suited to the work they have to do. Here at DeskLodge, for example, we’ve tailored each zone for solo or team work. You can hide away in a hobbit hole, or do some deep dive thinking in a submarine.


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4 - Demand flexible memberships

Finally, all workspaces nowadays require you to be a member. That’s fair enough, but be wary of ‘one-size-fits-all’ contracts that offer no flexibility for your needs. It’s worth looking around and going for somewhere that offers a membership that reflects the way you work.

And keep your eyes peeled to make sure all the basics are covered. Fast WiFi should be included, but it’s worth double-checking before you sign on the dotted line. We offer three different levels of membership. From solo freelancers needing to hotdesk, to small teams of four or less looking for a desk every month, to bigger teams itching for a private office to call their own..

So you see, not all workspaces are created equal. Take a peek to see how  we stack up.