
DeskLodger of the month - November

Jamie Ellis
November 1, 2022
DeskLodger of the month - November

Step forward, Oisin Robinson from Picocom Technology – you’re our DeskLodger of the Month! Find out all about this dog-loving, problem-solving, breakfast-munching, pub-frequenting Design Engineer. Take a well-deserved bow (although you might need to stop cuddling your parent’s dog first).

What's the best thing about my job?

The people and the technology, but it has to be the people. My colleagues are fantastic people! I joined Picocom as a graduate just over a year ago. They have been tremendous in helping me get my career started and showing me so many other sides to electronics that I wasn't exposed to while I was in university.  

How do you stay motivated?

I love having a challenge. Being able to solve new problems I have never come across before truly inspires me.

Where is your favourite place to work?

It depends. If it's the first Thursday morning of the month, you can always find me at the breakfast social in the kitchen. If I am having a meeting, I love to have it in Hollywood or Kingsman.

Most valuable piece of advice you've been given in business:

Inspiration can come from anywhere.

What do I do in my spare time

I am a colossal dog lover, and I spend much of my spare time caring for my parent's dog. I love to be out in the air with him and give him all the cuddles he needs. Otherwise, I love to be in the kitchen or down the pub with friends.

Describe Desklodge in 3 words

Absolutely amazing people.