
DeskLodge - Listening to your feedback

Jamie Ellis
May 18, 2017
DeskLodge - Listening to your feedback

Over a month ago we sent out a survey to all of our DeskLodgers to ask them what they thought of our space and the service they have received. We are always striving to offer the best service, in a friendly and productive environment, so your opinions count!

Firstly, we are proud to hear that 95% of you were happy and impressed with DeskLodge on your first visit, the information given on your first day with us and a great introduction to the team. It is so important that your first visit to DeskLodge leaves a good impression so this makes us very happy!


“Colourful, imaginative, quirky, effortless sign-up and account management, and an oasis of calm that is highly conducive to thoughtful, detailed work.”

We have taken notice of your views on the kitchen areas with ‘not enough space to eat’ being a highlighted point. We have added extra high bench seating areas on Floor 4 which have become very popular for casual company meetings and hotdesking too. Bringing a much more sociable vibe to the Floor 4 kitchen. Don’t forget you are still welcome to eat lunch in The Oak Tree and the indoor Garden on Floor 5. We would like to restrict eating hot food at your desk, keeping food spills and empty dishes on desks to a minimum and create a more social lunch area where you can make friends and network.

“It's nice having a communal space to meet others - and the coffee queue can get quite sociable”.

We have had positive feedback for our wifi and internet connectivity, your feedback on any issues is always very valuable to us and we are always striving to improve our services. We have heard what you are saying and have invested in a new system that has now been installed and is up and running!

When asked which areas of DeskLodge you found the most productive 85% of all residents said they were most productive in their own office/ fixed desk spaces with only 15% of you venturing out to other DeskLodge spaces. We are creatures of habit after all!  Working in your own office makes sense if you are part of a team, that’s the great thing about DeskLodge it is up to you lot how you want to work,. We just want to make sure that there is as much opportunity for your business to thrive with the option to change the location of your office for the day if you wish.


“It really depends on what I am doing, one of the attractions of Desklodge is the variety of environments that it offers”.

The most popular words to describe DeskLodge were Fun and Productive with “Idiosyncratic. In a very, good way!” being our favourite way to describe us.

You told us that you found the NearDesk sign up process straightforward with a few of you getting help from a member of the DeskLodge team. We are taking your comments on board and don’t forget to ask a DeskLodge host for help if you need it in the meantime.

100% of you declared you would recommend DeskLodge to a friend. Thanks we love you too  


“Friendly, very reasonable and flexible, very welcoming staff”.

“DeskLodge is a great space; offers huge scope for creativity, interaction with a wide range of businesses large and small, plus great support from a well-manned team”.

“It's an environment that highly optimised for people working in tech, design and similar knowledge-based sectors”.