
5 habits of highly productive people

Jamie Ellis
November 11, 2021
5 habits of highly productive people

You know the kind of person… Someone who has smashed through that communication strategy before breakfast, before tying up all the forecasts way before lunch. Yes, we’re talking about super productive people!

So what’s their secret? Well, it’s all down to being organised and smart with their time. (And perhaps drinking lots and lots and lots of coffee.) We’ve outlined the top 5 habits highly productive people swear by. Before long, you’ll become the productivity ninja you’ve always dreamt about.

1.    Use time wisely.

Try and keep meetings relatively short and sweet – 30 minutes if you can. This keeps everyone more focused. It’s all about working smarter, not longer.

2.    Avoid distractions.

A wise person once said, “Always put your phone on silent when you have important stuff to do.” Actually, we may have made that up, but you get the point. The fewer distractions you have, the more you can focus on the important stuff. If there’s something you really, really need to get done, don’t be afraid to switch off your messages, shut down your email and take the cat off the keyboard. If you want silence, tell people not to disturb you.



3.    Ask for help.

The most productive people out there are never embarrassed to ask for help. After all, the more skills and knowledge they acquire, the faster they can get stuff done. It’s not rocket science (unless that’s what they do for a job). Be prepared to reach out to experts, so that you can add more knowledge to your arsenal.

4.    Optimise whenever you can.

There’s a lot of technology out there to help us get the most out of every day. Make sure you’re up to speed with the ones that apply to you – and even become an early adopter of emerging solutions to give yourself the edge. Optimisation leads to better productivity.


5.    Have a goal in mind – and work towards it.

Visualise what you want to achieve. Whether it’s cracking a tricky report by the end of the day, or becoming a millionaire entrepreneur by the end of the next decade. If you can see the end goal then you can work backwards from that point and achieve it! Sounds simple? Well, it’s not, sorry. It takes a lot of drive and fierce determination to pinpoint a purpose and then do whatever it takes to reach it.

Still feeling stuck? Here are some quotes from established and productive entrepreneurs and business leaders to give you a little inspiration:

“The key is not to prioritise what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”
Stephen Covey, American educator, author and businessman

“Focus on being productive instead of busy.”
Tim Ferriss, American podcaster, author and entrepreneur

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist

DeskLodge could be just the place to enable your productivity to fly! Get in touch today and see what we can do for you.